About Me

Meet Becky Swanson, 

Decades of Experience and Success

to Support You and Your Personal Growth

Personal growth is not about "working harder". It's about doing the "right work". That's why it's important to work with someone with the education and experience necessary to help you identify specifically what you need to work on so you can live more fully.

When you work with me, you get…
  • The experience of a certified ICF Life Coach, and CDC certified Divorce Coach
  • The experience of an ordained Lutheran pastor (ELCA)
  • 30 years of experience with Fortune 100 companies in corporate Learning and Development, with a focus on leadership development and mentorship programs.
  • 25 years of experience with organizational consulting for projects, processes, and governance.
If you are looking for someone who has decades of experience helping people (and even entire organizations) to grow, has a proven track record, and offers services tailored to who you are and who you want to become, then you’ve found the perfect guide for you.
Becky Swanson, Certified Life Coach
Someone searching the internet for help

How Do I Approach the Process

Here's a secret for you...

Believe it is not, you already know what you need to know. You just need to learn how to tap into it and unleash it. 

When you invite me to help you find your clarity, we will engage in a process of deep listening, skills learning, and plan creation to empower you to act and bring about the change you want for your life.
  • Are you facing challenges that feel almost insurmountable?
  • Has an event or situation knocked you off center?
  • Are you tired of where you are right now in life?
  • Do you want more peace, joy, and a newfound sense of freedom?
  • Are you ready to do what it takes to open up a whole new future?
If so, then maybe it's time for change.
"Divorce Coaching? Brilliant idea needed by many. I remember you being extraordinarily helpful to me decades ago when I was going through a difficult breakup. You are an empathetic human being who truly cares and you offered guidance and support and helped me through a big life change and I am still grateful decades later! It's your superpower to be a coach, and I will certainly refer you to others." ––Jessica R. 

What Do I Look for In a Client?

When looking for someone to help you grow, it’s important that you look for someone who specializes in your needs. 

Are you…
  • A professional who feels overwhelmed in managing the projects and issues stacking up in your personal and professional life?
  • Someone facing the chaotic process of divorce on top of everything else.
  • Someone who wants to make a difference in the world while keeping your integrity intact?
  • Someone with a support network, but no matter how much they are there for you, nothing really changes?
  • Someone who is open to coaching and willing to follow up on guidance?
  • Facing new challenges and you want someone to walk through them with you?
  • Someone who wants to go beyond just talking about your problems and actually figure out how to meet them?
If any of that's you, we should talk. 
Interviewing a potential clilent
A coach is not a therapist

What I Don't Do for My Clients

But, before you do contact me, there are a few things you should know. There are certain things I do not do for my clients. 

I Don't Do Therapy or Counselling

If you need psychological healing, I’m not qualified for that. You will want to contact a mental health professional. If you need pastoral counseling, I am qualified for that, but that is not something I do as a part of my programs.

I Don't Wave a Magic Wand and Make It All Happen for You

Your process will take openness, time, and effort on your part. If you want to work with me, I need to know that you are open to what I say and willing to follow up. I will expect you to put in the effort to make progress. If we ever get to the point where I believe progress has stopped, then we will have a conversation about what is holding us back and whether now is the best time to continue together.

What Can You Look Forward to as a Result of Working with Me?

You will...
  • have a strategic and compassionate thinking partner and sounding board
  • get clear on your next direction and next steps
  • find ways to integrate wellness best practices in the midst of everyday chaos
  • know your strengths and quit trying to do stuff you are no good at
  • find more peace and a better connection to your higher power
  • experience more joy in every part of your life
  • experience less stress and build more resilience
A successful woman who has overcome obstacles to growth through life coaching
"Becky brings a unique combination of creativity and practicality to the table to develop and implement solutions. She is always able to maintain perspective to stay focused on the goals of her team and is a pleasure to work with!" —Erin V.

Do I Sound Like the Right Coach for You?

If so, then it’s time for you to take the next step. Just click the button, choose how we will work together, and move forward from there so you can start living the life of your dreams. 
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