Guiding Principles & Ethics

What I Stand for as a Person and a Business

I Stand for Justice

Racism, sexism, and heterosexism (among other discriminating ideologies) exist and prevent socially-marginalized people from reaching their divine potential. These ideologies are not just personal prejudice and attitudes. They have entwined themselves with the fabric of our systems and institutions in a way that allows them to hide in plain sight. 

As a person and as a business, I am committed to the task of dismantling systemic oppression and implementing a more just society. 

As a Lutheran pastor, I have made a spiritual commitment to oppose systemic forces that prevent marginalized children of God from embracing the divine lives they are called to lead. I will respect all of the marginalilzed, be hospitible, and help them to experience the divine Love that is right there for them, no matter who they are. 

As an ICF professional, in accordance with the Standards of the ICF Code of Ethics, I acknowledge and agree to fulfill my ethical and legal obligations to my coaching Client(s), Sponsor(s), colleagues and to the public at large. If I breach any part of the ICF Code of Ethics, I agree that ICF in its sole discretion may hold me accountable for so doing. I further agree that my accountability to ICF for any breach may include sanctions, such as mandatory additional coach training or other education, or loss of my ICF Membership and / or my ICF Credential.


As a business, SBSGrowth, LLC., d/b/a Becky Swanson Coaching, has real power in this world. Therefore, I make the following commitments regarding how I will use my power. 

The Power of Commitment and Self-Awareness

As a business owner, I renounce the interlocking systems of oppression that distort the image of the Divine found in people of every land, race, faith, age, ability, income, orientation, and status. This distortion is so complete that we cannot even tell we are the Divine’s own beloved. Furthermore, I recognize my own intentional and unintentional collusion with these powers, and I renounce my own actions and failures to act and every impulse within me that separates me from the Divine. Although I make these renunciations daily, I daily fail at them and daily seek forgiveness and healing from that failure.

The Power to Bring Change

I am working on becoming an anti-racist and striving to dismantle the systemic mechanisms of white supremacy in order to create a more just society. Therefore, as a company, I am working with DEI consultant(s) to develop anti-oppressive life and leadership coaching.

The Power to Purchase

When purchasing gifts for clients (books, journals, swag bag items, etc.) I will purchase from BIPOC-owned small businesses at least 66% of the time. When hiring or contracting with consultants, I strive to hire/contract with BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ individuals at least 50% of the time.

The Power of Language

The language we hear and use has a strong effect on how we perceive our world and act within it. In all teaching, group coaching, podcasts, and events I will use expansive language for the Divine and gender-neutral language for people.

The Power of Trust

Trust is essential to what I do. I place your progress and growth before my income, and I will not take advantage of your vulnerability. As such, I will continue to work with you as long as you are making progress. I will not take your money if I do not believe that my services are having an positive effect on your life.

The Power of Respect

I will support you in growing in your understanding of and relationship with the Divine as you describe and know it, and I make no space for proselytizing to a particular understanding. That said, I am an ordained pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) and while I have a broad understanding of many world religions, I can NOT guarantee that I understand or can teach the subtleties of every view of the Divine.

The Power of Abundance

I reject the scarcity worldview that causes people to live in fear and protect what they have. Instead, I accept the abundance worldview that emphasizes there is enough of everything in the world and promotes community and generosity.

Are You Ready to Unleash Your Wisdom Within?

Let me help you unshackle your Divine Potential. Click the button and choose how we will work together so that you can become the person you are truly meant to be. 
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