Transforming Possibility into Reality

By Unleashing Your Wisdom Within
⇒ Connect to Spirit
⇒ Nurture Ability
⇒ Act for Change

Transforming Possibility into Reality

By Unleashing Your Wisdom Within
⇒ Connect to Spirit
⇒ Nurture Ability
⇒ Act for Change

Transforming Possibility into Reality

By Unleashing Your Wisdom Within
⇒ Connect to Spirit
⇒ Nurture Ability
⇒ Act for Change

Listen to the Podcast

Listen to Becky each week as she offers stories, reflections, and insight into people and the world so that you are better able to hear your calling in life.

Personal Coaching



Right Now, You Have the Wisdom Within to...

  • Let go of beliefs and stories that keep you stuck in place so you can embrace life's abundance
  • Transform your way of life and lay claim to a new future
  • Become a change agent who earns the respect and admiration of others
The gifts and capacity to make big changes in your life and in your world are already right there, deep within you. 

All you need to do is learn how to access and use them.

Is It Time for Change?

If you feel like you have been swallowed up by a world that turns you into an afterthought, and you feel powerless to do anything about it, you’re not alone.
Many people are right there with you. Most silently endure hoping that tomorrow will be different.
Unfortunately, few are willing to do anything about it.
What About You?
  • Are you tired of where you are right now in life?
  • Do you want more peace, joy, and a newfound sense of freedom?
  • Are you ready to do what it takes to open up a whole new future?
If so, then maybe it's time for change.

Like a Stone Dropped into a Pond...

When you tap into the Wisdom Within, you create a ripple effect that touches everyone and everything around you. 

The strength, confidence, and resilience you embody will remind others that they, too, can enjoy the new lease on life that you are claiming for yourself.  

They can see in you a vision of possibility for their own lives. All because they, too, have the Wisdom Within to overcome their own situations. 
If you could learn how to connect with and unleash that kind of power into the world, how would it change your life?

Let Me Help

I specialize in empowering people to embrace transformation and make a difference in their world. 

If you choose to join the community, the process of sharing and working together will take you further faster than trying to do it on your own. 

If you choose to work with me privately, I will support, guide, challenge, and encourage you as you place one foot in front of the other as you create the change you need to meet your goals. 

If you choose to attend an event, you get the benefits of the group and individual coaching experiences together, plus you have fun forging new, life-changing relationships.

Regardless of Your Choice, Know This...

By choosing to receive help, you are taking your first step into transformation as you claim the power necessary to break the shackles of isolation.

After that step comes the next, and the next, and the next…until you discover you have embarked upon the fulfilling and life-giving journey of your dreams
“I loved the [Mindfulness, Meditation, and Prayer] workshop! Becky offered a variety of techniques and opportunities for meditation, prayer, reflection and spiritual growth!” —M.A.P. seminary student

Listen Deeply. What Do You Hear?

Do you feel moved to take the next step? 

Are you ready to join the ranks of those who have emerged and overcome?

Are you tired of the way things are and ready to get more out of life by embarking upon a journey of self-transformation and change?

If so, click the button below and choose which path you will take.
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